At 2pm we got this place into a bit of an uproar. Anne had heart attack like symptoms, intense stabbing chest pains all of a sudden. Dr. Ebrahim just happened to come in at that time. To ease the pain they tried oxygen, then nitroglycerin under Anne's tonge. That didn't help so they called for a dose of hydro-morphone which didn't do anything right away. The Dr. requested an EKG to rule out a heart attack, and it came back normal. The hydro-morphone finally cleared the pain after a half hour.
This was determined to have been a spasm of the esophagus, brought about by the radiation treatment.
Anne rests comfortably now, however she wants to go home and won't be allowed to until she can handle some food. The Dr. has called for a new med to be given by a shot (Octreotide) every 8 hours to dry things up(all secretions). We're told that once the chemo is out of Anne's system, the situation will improve. Anne feels better now, and is looking at the menu again. I hope the Octreotide shot doesn't cause any problems for her. Wish her luck !!
She is saying 'no visitors please', and thank you everybody for your thoughts and prayers.
Your prayers help !!