Hi friends,
Anne had a good sleep till around 5:45pm, and she was doing well when she woke up from that. She ordered some pasta, and some squash to eat for supper, with a plan to take the anti-nausea meds before eating. She needs to wait to 8pm before she can have any Ativan, and the Nurse is certain that is the only thing that will do Anne any good. I'm not so sure about that, but Anne is OK waiting till 8pm.
We have a pretty good early evening, then Anne gets up to use the bathroom at 7:30. While she is in there she has a violent bout with vomitting, and we call for the Nurse to help. Sarah finally comes in to assist Anne. She explains that all the others are busy with admissions that came in. I don't buy it, but it is what it is. They seems to be shorthanded right now.
Anne comes out and is in rough shape. This lasts until the anti-nausea meds are given at 8pm. At 8:30 Anne stated that she cannot have any of the food she ordered, but she asks me for some toast. I make two slices and use margerine and p-nut butter and Anne loves that and is satisfy. It is now 8:52 and she is getting tired from the food and Ativan. I will start to pack it in and drive home before long.
She is enjoying the Olympics and I hope she has a good night. She deserves it.
Dana took care of Dixie mid day because Laurie is not feeling well, and Adam went over this evening to feed her. I really appreciate having this help. I'll go home and spend some time with ol'Dixie shortly.