Even though they took great care of Anne at MCCM yesterday afternoon they couldn't help her on the way home. She began to feel sick during the ride. She did have an OK evening tho, and she enjoyed watching some TV.
Last night overnight was a better night for both of us. Me, I didn't wake up once. She did wake up sick tho and moved to the living room recliner in the middle of the night. She was sleeping there when I got up at 6am.
She woke up in pretty good shape today, looking good, and there was no stress in her face. She wasn't interested in eating very early, but when she got hungry I made what she wanted, a scrambler and a piece of toast. She enjoyed that but shortly thereafter she was miserable and was having dry heaves. We called MCCM to let them know we wanted to come in right away for hydration. They said they had no seats available, but they could take us a few minutes earlier than our scheduled appointment at 11:40.
We got there at 11:15 and they took her right in. You know the routine, anti-nausea meds (Ativan) followed by a 2 hours of sodium chloride. She's resting now with eyes closed, good color and no stress in her face. That's good considering a few minutes ago her smile was completely upside down. Before we finished she bacame pretty sick. With that, these folks have scheduled appointments for her to get hydration at 10:30 on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. We'll go to Maine Medical Center, the Gibson Pavillion for this. Scarborough MCCM chemo room will be closed on the weekend. Let's hope Anne feels wall enough going forward so she won't need to use either of these weekend appointments. Would be nice to have a break from going in to town.
Anne and me were invited to a holiday function with her co-workers and friends at the Town Hall tonight at 6pm. It's a murder mystery dinner. She really wants to go. Time will tell. I'm betting she'll make an appearance for a little while. She has her heart set on it.
Thanks to all of you for being there, for your continued prayers, and for keeping up with us. We know you're there and it means so much.
Aside from all that, want to let you know we realize the blog can seem very impersonal, and sometimes a real hassle for those with a telephone or slow PC. It's a life saver for us tho, in terms of making the latest information available to all of you. If it is difficult for you to use, know that we're grateful that you continue to read. If you can, get your hands on a relatively new laptop and you should have no problems. For example, my Toshiba is 3 years old and when I open the blog all the pictures load in 5-10 seconds. I can then drag the scroll bar, and blast right past all the pictures to the latest post. I'm still trying to find a way to move the pictures down below the postings to make it easier for everyone to use, but it is not looking good. I've updated to the latest version of IE and updated to the latest blogger interface, but still cannot do this.